Client Profitability Report

Modified on Thu, 26 Jan, 2023 at 5:38 PM

The Client Profitability Report provides a wealth of information that provides real insight into KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for your firm. You can see how your firm is performing on work billing and collections. You can glean performance on staff, clients, and practice areas.

The report summarizes the work performed, what has been billed, and what has been collected.  These totals are calculated to provide both a billing and collection realization rate.  


NOTE: This report can NOT be run on a fee earner or timekeeper basis. Please submit a product feature request by raising a support ticket if you think this would be beneficial. 


You can find this report by going to Reports > Billing Reports





There are Basic options to quickly display report information. There are also Advanced options for more granular filters and layout options.




WIP and Invoice Date rangeProvides options for a range of dates. This will control which items are used in the report figures. The only invoices and time/fee entries that will be considered on the report are items that fall between the first and second selected dates.
Responsible lawyerAllows the selection of one or more responsible lawyers. This will filter the report to only items attributed to matters where the selections are the responsible lawyers. Leaving this field blank will allow the report to display information from matters, regardless of the user with the responsible lawyer designation.
Show matters with no AR

By default, the report will not display information for matters with no AR and WIP. Selecting this option will allow the report to display information from matters that have been billed in the past but currently have no AR.


Note: Matters that have never had WIP will not be displayed with this option.



Layout Options

Show matter detailToggles the display of matter tables. When this is on, a table will be displayed for each matter. This toggle can be useful to expose matter details or hide them to only reference summaries.
Show firm summaryToggles display of Firm summary table. When this is on, a table will display, totaling all items that are filtered for the report to take into account. Turning this off will hide the firm summary table.



NOTE: See Understanding the Output of the Client Profitability Report section further down this article for description of the information displayed in the tables listed above.





Matter typeFilters the report to display only information from the selected matter type(s). 
MatterFilters the report to display only information from the selected matter(s)
ClientFilters the report to display only information from the selected client(s)
Bill typeFilters the report to display only information from the selected bill type(s)

Filters the report to display information based upon whether the matter utilizes eBilling.  

All will display any matter regardless of whether it uses eBilling. Enabled filters for only matters with eBilling. Disabled filters to matters not using eBilling. 

Exclude unbilled itemsIf this toggle is On, the report will not display unbilled values, and those values will not be factored into any figures. By default, this option is Off, which allows the report to display values of unbilled entries.
Show matters with no dataThis option works in conjunction with the Basic option Show matters with no AR. When Show matters with no AR and Show matters with no data are On, even matters that have no bills or associated hours/fees will be shown on the report. This can be useful to see specifically which matters have no associated work.


Layout Options

Show client summaryToggles the display of client summary tables. A table is displayed per client that includes only information for matters with that client.
Show matter type summaryToggles the display of tables that display information per matter type. Each matter type's information will be displayed in its own table.
Show bill type summaryDisplays tables by the billing arrangement set in the matter billing options. There can be separate tables for Hourly matters and Fixed fee matters.
Sort detail by

Controls the order which matter detail tables display on the report.

  • Responsible lawyer - Sorts results based on the responsible lawyers' name, alphabetically ascending. The alphabetization is based on the Contact name format field in Admin > General settings. This means the order could be determined by the first, last, or preferred name depending upon the setting. 
  • Client - Sorts results based on the client's name, alphabetically ascending. Uses the Contact name format field in Admin > General settings to determine alphabetization.
  • Matter type - Alphabetically sorts table order by Matter type in ascending order.
  • Matter name - Alphabetically sorts table order by Matter name in ascending order
  • Matter ID - Numerically sorts table order by Matter ID ascending.


Note:See Understanding the Output of the Client Profitability Report section further down this article for description of the information displayed in the tables listed above. 





Option Description

On screen (HTML) 

This option displays the report results on your current screen


This option launches a print dialog from a PDF version of the report. To download as PDF, select Save as PDF in the Print > Destination dropdown on the print dialog screen.

MS Excel 

This option downloads an xlsx, MS Excel, file to your computer. This is a great option to perform further calculations in a spreadsheet format.

Save XLSX file to a matter 

After you have selected to run the report in MS Excel you can choose to save the XLSX file directly to a matter using this button. 



Save PDF file to a matter

After you have selected to run the report in PDF you can choose to save the PDF directly to a matter using this button. 



TIP: Sometimes the PDF viewer will display over this option on your screen, to see the option to save to a matter close the preview screen. 


Note: Using the three output options will generate the same information in the selected format. For the purposes of this explanation, we will use images from the On Screen (HTML) output.


Output Options 



Option Description
ReloadThis button will re-generate the report. This can be useful if changes are being made while viewing the report to see difference between before and after the changes.
PrintThis will launch your browser's print dialog. The behavior and display of the dialog is dependent upon your browser and workstation settings.
ExcelDownloads the report in xlsx format
PDFDownloads the report in PDF format 
Show settings buttonDisplays the configuration options for the report. Once displayed, the configuration options can be hidden by selecting the Hide settings button
WIP and Invoice Date rangeDisplays the date range, selected in the configuration options, for information displayed on the report. 
Sort detail byDisplays the Sort detail by option selected in the configuration options. 
Layout optionsDisplays which layout options have been selected in the configuration options. 
Generated stampDisplays the name of the user who generated the report, as well as the date and time the report was generated.


Column Definitions

Each table has the same columns. The values are determined by the type of table. The table types are defined in the next section.






The Items column contains the row designations for the table. Each item is the category for all subsequent information in that row. 

  • Billable fees - Time/fee entries with a bill behavior of 'bill' designated on the entry.
  • NC/hide fees - Time/fee entries with a bill behavior of 'No Charge' or 'Hide' designated on the entry.
  • Fee totals - A total of the figures in the Billable fees and NC/hide fees rows.
  • Expenses - Expense entry figures that are valid for the current table. 

Note: This row only reflects items billed to customers. It does not include figures from Supplier Invoices

  • Totals
    • Sums of the columns. 
Work Unbilled - HoursThe number of hours that have yet to be billed
Work Unbilled - ValueThe monetary value of the unbilled hours
Work Billed - HoursThe number of hours that have been billed
Work Billed - ValueThe monetary value of the billed hours
Work Total - ValueThe summed values of unbilled and billed hours
Billing - BilledThe total fee value that has been billed 
Billing - Adj. AmtThe total fee adjustments on bills
Billing - DiscountThe total discounts applied to bills
Billing - TotalThe total value of billed fees +/- adjustments - discounts
Billing - Write-OffAny write-offs that have been applied to the billed items regardless of the date of the write-off
Effective - Unbilled Hr $

The average rate of unbilled hours. 

Calculated as Unbilled value/unbilled hours

Effective - Billed Hr $

The average rate of billed hours, after taking into account adjustments, discounts and write-offs.

Calculated as (Billed value +/- adjustments - |discount|)

Billing - Realization

The percent of fees/expenses billed against unbilled fees/expenses minus any negative adjustments, discounts, and write-offs.

Specific calculation:

(Unbilled items +/- |fee adjustments| - |discount| - |write-offs|) / (Billed items + unbilled items)


Note: Discounts and write-offs are always negative figures. The calculation above uses the absolute values of those figures. Fee adjustments can be negative or positive. If positive, they are added. If negative, they are subtracted.


Collection - Paid

The amount of billed items for which payments have been received

Collection - Realization

The percentage of billed items that have been collected.

Paid amount divided by (paid + AR)

Collection - % Collected

Percentage of Paid amount against paid amount plus AR.

Paid amount / (paid amount + AR bal)

Collection - AR Bal

The amount that has been billed but not yet collected




Matter Detail (Basic)



The Matter Detail table displays the profitability information for a specific matter. The header above the table provides the following information:

  • Table title - Matter name (matter ID)
  • Client name
  • Matter type
  • Responsible lawyer
  • Bill type - Fixed fee or hourly
  • Average days to bill - days from when items for a bill are created to the point those items are billed. For instance, A fee entry created 2 days ago and billed today took 2 days to bill.
  • Average days to pay - the average time it takes the bills on the matter to be fully paid. Calculated with each bill's AR date and the date of the final payment that brings the bill's Balance Due to zero.
Firm Summary (Basic)



The Firm summary table provides profitability information for all items for which the report is currently filtered. The header above the table provides the following information:

  • Table title - Firm Summary
  • Average days to bill - Average time it takes from when bill items are created until they are billed
  • Average days to pay - The average time it takes for a bill to be paid once it is created. Calculated from the bills' AR date
Client Summary (Advanced)



The Client Summary table displays profitability information across all bills and matters associated with that client. The header above the table provides the following information:

  • Table Title - Client summary - Client's name
  • Average days to bill - Average time it takes from when bill items are created until they are billed
  • Average days to pay - The average time it takes for a bill to be paid once it is created. Calculated from the bills' AR date
Matter Type Summary (Advanced)


The matter type summary table provides profitability information for all matters of a specific matter type. 

The header above the table provides the following information:

  • Table Title - Matter type summary - matter type name
  • Average days to bill - Average time it takes from when bill items are created until they are billed
  • Average days to pay - The average time it takes for a bill to be paid once it is created. Calculated from the bills' AR date
Bill Type Summary (Advanced)



The bill type summary table provides profitability information by bill type. If multiple bill types are used in the system, a table will be created for each. The header above the table provides the following information:

  • Table Title - Bill type summary - bill type (Fixed fee or hourly)
  • Average days to bill - Average time it takes from when bill items are created until they are billed
  • Average days to pay - The average time it takes for a bill to be paid once it is created. Calculated from the bills' AR date

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